The Pweto Computer Learning Center

When Antoine Ngeleka returned to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), he saw an immediate need in the community for a computer center.  During Ngeleka’s time in Kala Refugee Camp (Zambia), he managed a small, NGO-financed computer center.  Realizing its popularity and strength in purpose, Ngeleka knew that he had to continue this work outside of the refugee […]

Micro Credit Loans

  In the aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide, The Second Congolese War destroyed businesses, local infrastructure, and family units throughout Moba District and Katanga Province.   Moba-Kirungu and Moba-Port are two adjacent towns situated on Lake Tanganyika in the Moba District of Katanga Province.  Collectively, the two towns form a lively port hub known as Moba. […]