The Pweto Computer Learning Center

The Pweto Computer Learning Center

When Antoine Ngeleka returned to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), he saw an immediate need in the community for a computer center.  During Ngeleka’s time in Kala Refugee Camp (Zambia), he managed a small, NGO-financed computer center.  Realizing its popularity and strength in purpose, Ngeleka knew that he had to continue this work outside of the refugee camp.  In 2010, he started The Pweto Computer Learning Center in the rural community of Pweto, DRC  – after seeing a number of his students in Kala secure jobs based on their new computer skills.

Our computer classes diversify skills and compliment capabilities. I believe that access to this type of technology driven information can transform rural communities in DRC and have a positive effect on poverty and unemployment reduction.   – Antoine Ngeleka

Ngeleka initiated an impressive plan of action that involved training all the local schools, teachers, and students in the village of Pweto and surrounding areas.   Utilizing laptop computers, his trained staff, and the small computer center, Ngeleka’s computer center provides rural students and adults with the computer skills they need to compete in the job market.

Rural graduates have trouble competing against their computer-skilled, urban counterparts.  Furthermore, dropout rates in rural schools are increased the longer that these highly-capable rural graduates are unable to find work.  When rural graduates are equipped with computer skills, they have a far greater chance for employment.  Antoine Ngeleka has dedicated himself to changing this situation so that rural graduates are given this chance.

TRP assisted in rehabilitating and strengthening the center.  They also continue to support the educational services that the Pweto Computer Learning Center provides to the community. Because access to technology is vital to community development and the reduction of poverty, TRP has also initiated efforts to bring Internet connectivity to rural areas of the DRC.

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